
Green Buildings and Beyond Conference on June 5th


The Green Buildings and Beyond Conference, which will take place on June 5th, will be hosted by Ekosayapi Magazine and will take place at Lazzoni Hotel. The panel, where important architects and engineers will speak, aims to “raise awareness about green buildings”.

Cemil Yaman early founding partner of the moderator that would make implementing important projects in the fields of sustainable architecture and Urban Design Studio Libeskind architect Karim chairman of the world's most patch, RIBA award-winning architect Stefan Behnish and world-renowned Ecologist Gary Grant in the panel together, “green and non-green buildings in the city? Can it stay green?” answers to your questions will be sought.

Also at the event, which will last all day, Cemil Yaman said, “The factors affecting indoor air quality in green buildings, the importance of material selection from an environmental point of view and waste management. Innovative approaches that guide the design of green buildings are areas that should be given priority in Turkey." he will share his experiences on the subject.

To participate in the event for free you need to fill out the form at the address and October, additionally add the note “social media participant”.




Yama Karim worked with Daniel Libeskind for several years before joining New York Studio Libeskind in 2003.

Recently, he has been managing the high-level cultural projects of the old fairground in Milan, the residential complex Coral on the coastline in Keppel Bay, Singapore, and the 2015 Milan Expo.


Behnisch, the owner of Behnisch Architekten architectural office, is one of the important representatives of sustainable architecture in the world. Behnisch Architecture, which has been awarded numerous awards, especially the RIBA Award, for its sustainability-centered architectural practice, is one of the most important representatives of architecture, which has evolved towards an environmentally sensitive work agenda.


Ecological habitat creation and restoration, green infrastructure planning, design and management, which is an independent ecologist with over 30 years experience in site “ecosystem services come to town: Greening Cities by working with Nature” Gary Grant who is the author of the book is on current issues; green infrastructure planning and climate change adaptation projects.


he has been working with Forbo Flooring for 25 years. He has served on the USGBC Board of Directors for 8 years. At the same time, he was the head of the Association of Sustainably Designed Environments and served as a member of the delegation of the CAN DO Economic Development Organization. He is currently the chair of the ASTM Durable Flooring Committee, a member of the ISO Flooring Committee, a member of the ASTM and ISO Sustainability Committees, and is on the advisory board of the Institute for Sunday Sustainability, and in the rest of his time he conducts sustainability-related studies at many conferences.